Samstag, 27. Juli 2024
Deutsch Englisch

Global Industry: Cultured Meat is already present

Bremerhaven. (bm) That’s how fast it goes: While in Germany people are still discussing whether meat from bioreactors can be acceptable for consumers, in other countries facts are being created and highly professional management teams are being recruited – see «Redefine Meat Announces Senior Appointments.» In the Merkel era, German politicians still believed quite firmly in Bullerbü and perhaps still believe that meat can only come from animals raised in traditional barns. The German Farmers’ Association – of course – has a vested interest in that. But that is not the future. The future will show that many consumers would like to accept the benefits of cultured meat – see «Survey: Over a Third of Consumers Will Adopt Cultured Meat.» Other topics of the week: